Shakespeare's Will...

Shakespeare's Will...

In what he hath left us.

In what he hath left us.

By Michael and Spencer Stepniewski

Oxford-Seymour Theory is the first complete conception of Shakespeare’s language and rhetoric,
and the first to explain his choice of words...

With it, we unlock the mysteries of his life.
We discover his Enduring Corpus as the Last Will and Testament of the Wisest Man who Never was.

Shakespeare: The Method in his Madness by Michael and Spencer Stepniewski

The issue facing a reader new to Shakespeare is whether his great works are to be approached as open texts. Did Shakespeare write to entertain, perhaps to make a living, to release a store of beauty that was overflowing his mind? Or did “our beloved, The AUTHOR” have a more specific purpose? Did he mean to communicate information; did he write because he wanted the reader to learn something? If so, why are his words convoluted; they often seem strange and somehow alien, as if beyond the range of ordinary meaning. In this book you’ll discover why the question: ‘Who wrote Shakespeare’ persists, and how the writer’s identity is absolutely inseparable from these questions of meaning and art.

There are few writers who are treated with such liberality of interpretation as Shakespeare. His Canon has proven to be a work from which the reader draws meaning according to one’s inclination. The superficially loose fabric of his words allows each reader to infill matters of relevance—to extend a logical argument that is plausibly suggested by the writer, or to develop for oneself a philosophical point merely touched upon by the artist.

We’re going to demonstrate there’s another aspect of his art; one that relies on the terra firma of a factual life—a well recorded life. We’ll discover something more akin to history than fiction, and of a man who was not only at the center of English speaking politics, but who stole the time with every resource of his inventive mind, to fashion a great and lasting literary monument in the name unjustly forbidden to him. From the most enduring material he knew—the immortal words of classical Latin—he constructed a Wit-Fraught Tomb that would not be effaced by political fortunes or changing taste.

Shakespeare's Will
Copyright © 2018 - 407 pages

“I am that I am”
Sum qui Sum

Shakespeare's Damnation
Copyright © 2022 - 151 pages

Si natura negat, facit indignatio versum. Juvenal (AD 55-130)
~ If nature refuses, indignation will produce verses. ~

Shakespeare's “As You Like It”
Copyright 2024 - 222 pages

“As I remember, a Dame St Maur...”